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Ms. Amal Haroon

Amal Al-haroon graduated from King Faisal University with bachelor degree in medical laboratory technology & master degree in molecular immunology & allergy from Nottingham University UK. Joined Dammam Regional Lab in 1996 as a tecnologist in HLA Typing unit since 2003 & up to date practice the majority of ascpecte in immunological laboratory investigation (autoimmune disease, immunodeficiency, allergy & transplantation) since 2007 joined flowcytometry unit where number of immunohematology testing performed. in addition of being immunology lab supervisor since 2009 & a member of quality committee. Shared in more than one scientific publication.


Dr. Mariam Alghazal

Dr. Mariam qualified as clinical physician in Dammam, Saudi Arabia in 2002 after graduating from King Faisal University. Dr. Mariam worked in emergency department as attending physician for a number of years before she got enrolled in the haematophathology Fellowship of Dammam University in 2007. During the cause of her fellowship, Mariam gain skills and experience in laboratory haematology and clinical laboratory working in both laboratory and pediatric word. In her final part of the Fellowship program, Mariam was assigned teaching responsibilities in addition to her research project entitled the prevalence of antiphospholipids antibodies in the eastern province. Finishing her fellowship program, Mariam currently works for the Regional Laboratory and blood bank holding a position of hematophathologist specialist in addition to other technical responsibilities in the quality assurance program.


Ms. Fatimah Al-Ibrahim